Monday, July 20, 2009


I just attempted banana bread to certain failure. It turns out that banana bread can fall when surrounded by loud noises. I thought only soufflés fall. Well, baking is a learning process. I relish in the fact that I will have my own kitchen in a few short weeks to bake to my hearts content. Cakes, bars, brownies, cookies, pies, delicious sweets of all sorts. I hope my roommates have hearty appetites. I made a pie this past Thanksgiving that blew all other baking feats out of the water.

I'm hoping to try a few of my own recipes and see if they turn out alright. Blackberries, blueberries, boysenberries, jams, jellies, chocolate, marshmallow. A schmorgisborg of pies.

On a different note, only two more days until I sign my first lease. Quite the leap into the
world of adulthood.

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